Tuesday 26 May 2009

London:The Guide to foreiners (going to) living in the city

The Big Ben is one of our most visited landmarks, in the country.
Us english people are perceived to drink tea all day, unfortunately those are for the extremely snobby rich people.
Us English people drink Alcohol all day, even the extremely rich, snobby people living in their 4 million room bedrooms.
London has many clubs, and we definitely use the facility, we do not go to proms, balls or garden parties.
Also we do not have Posh accents and use words only Shakespeare would be able to comprehend with.
Some speak English, many londeners cant even understand.
We wear crazy clothes
and it rains all the time over here, so dont bring any clothes you'll expect to wear from in your home town.
Bring some shorts, jeans, snow boots, umbrella, hat, scarf, sandals, and tonnes of jumpers.
LOL. this as been the quick and easy guide for introduction of London

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