Tuesday 26 May 2009

The right [wrong] things to say in relationships.

So my question for today is all about the power of speech, and how it can impact on relationships.
Yes, our mouth not only helps us gain energy,(whilst simultaneously enjoy the grub we got) but also can break or make a relationship.
Behold I present the real weapon of mass destruction The Mouth.
Like it or not our mouth is usually the breaking of the relationship.
Even though we might not be saying something directly rude towards our partner, what we just alerted him or her in their mind- saying
ALERT ALERT ALERT do not continue talking to this freak ALERT ALERT
So my question to you is What is topics or comments should you not say to your other half? or what topics would you not like to talk about to your other half and why [no emotional long stories which takes a year to read, or nothing personal or vaugley highlight it ].
I have identified some topics and comments which I think could be the break a relationship.
[From a Man]: I sleep with a teddy!
I have
known about three men wanting a teddy or something special in the bedroom [no not sex toys, you perverts XD] to comfort them. This would be a huge turn off for me as I as a little girl used to sleep with a teddy, I would not appreciate if this grown man is acting like me years ago.

The constant talking of the Ex
Why may I ask are people obsessed with the explaining of the ex boyfriend/girlfriend. I seriously do not want to know if they could do Einstein maths puzzle in their head, or they used to have a nipple piercing.I honestly don't care. I am not your partner and I would wish if we stopped talking about the ex.
It also shows a may be a lack of respect toward the new other half.
The only time you can talk about the Ex's is when you are married, because you hopefully wont be Ex talked with another person.XD

Anal Sex&other actions which still never cease to amaze my poor mind.
Some women, well quite alot. Well it decided on the women!
And I am not criticizing those who do anal sex&other stuff, it is just that if my boyfriend suggested it to me, I would run a MILE no two.
Different people have different standards and my standards might be different from others. What I am walling to do in bed, you might not be willing to do.

I live with my mother
No need to explain these women, RUN and never look back.

I want a threesome
Maybe this should have been categorized as Annal Sex&other actions, however.
I when having sex do not want two people in my bed! its hard to control one.
If you are contemplating whether to have one. this is my advice :
DO NOT HAVE ONE! If he/she really loved you why would they want another body in the bed.
Even though what you people do behind closed doors[and thank goodness it is behind closed doors] is your own business.

Any other suggestions?

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